Giacosa, Leflaive, and the Election

By: Simon Roberts

My good friend Mauricio dropped by late yesterday afternoon, it was a typical Monday, just playing catch up and getting the week ahead sorted. I had opened a bottle of 93 Giacosa Barbaresco to taste test from a recent cellar so his timing was great. The 93 was showing extremely well with dusty cherry and soft, well integrated tannins. The wine  was light on it’s feet at first but came around in the glass after 30 mins. We sat and chatted about the upcoming election, don’t mix politics and wine right !

The ensuing argument was soon quelled with a 1997 Leflaive Bienvenue Batard Montrachet, always a good way to calm things down. This Domaine has to be my favorite white burgundy producer, it is always consistent and delivers a wonderful drinking experience nearly every time I open one. The nose was pure flint infused with key lime pie essence, the mouthfeel was typical Leflaive, all encompassing, round and generous with apple and tropical fruits. The balance was also spot on in this glass. I prefer my White Burgundy with a slight chill, which is to our resident Sommeliers  A.J. distain. Each to their own right…..Obama care, foreign policies, white house puppets….I forgot about the lot of them drinking this wine.

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