Allegra Antinori in Graileys

By: AJ McClellan

Last night we had the great privilege to have Allegra Antinori in to taste us through a wonderful lineup of Cabernet based Antinori wines! The bottles were stunning and it was so much fun to have Allegra in to give us the inside scoop on the great bottles of Solaia and Guado al Tasso…


We started with the NV Antinori Montenisa Franciacorta which is a bottling made by the three Antinori sisters under their own label and it was one of the bottles Allegra was most proud of. The wine was very pretty with a light mouth feel and surprising complexity coming from a Franciacorta. After the bubbles were done we got straight into the Cabernets, beginning with the 2008 Col Solare made from Columbia Valley. It was interesting tasting this wine in Washington done in a Tuscan style. The fruit was pure and fresh but there was s certain rustiness that I really enjoyed, especially in the price point. Next was the 2010 Antica Cabernet from Napa Valley. The Antica was bold with its red fruit attacking the front palate and laving a residual sweetness behind that was very nice. The bottle was a little lacking on the finish but at the price point I thought it was still a nice bottle. After the Antica we sent to the single reserve bottling which is the 2009 Antica Townsend Cabernet. A true upgrade and next to its little brother the Townsend really strutted its stuff. Bold fruit and a great complexity on the palate completed with a pleasant finish that the other bottling couldn’t come close to matching.


Finally we got into the Italians! We started with the 97 point 2010 Guado al Tasso which was one of my favorite bottles in the tasting for the price point. The fruit was dusty with red cherry and crushed rock minerality. The wine was alive on the palate with a rich texture and long finish. Then came the big boys a bottle of 1997 and 2010 Solaia! This is Antinori’s top brand and one of the first bottlings they made (after Tignanello). The bottles were very different with the 2010 being full of power and the 97 full of finesse. However, I could easily see the 2010 not only making it to the level of the 97 but surpassing it with its lush tannins and wonderful fruit. I was a huge fan of these wines and must say that they were by far the wines of the night!


Other wines that we tasted after the main event included..

2009 Foley Claret

2010 Foley Cabernet

MV Unico Grand Reserve

2010 Crocker and Starr Stone Place

1995 Colgin Herb lamb

2003 Angelus 375ml

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