Some Pleasant Bottles

A few good bottles always helps to close out a day. We just had a small group in so nothing too crazy was opened but it just goes to show that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to have a good time.

1993 Giacosa Barbaresco – I simply love Giacosa. The wines are predicable every time with wonderful earthy notes of dry leaves and soft moist earth. As always the wine took almost two hours to open up but once it did the rich fruit and damp earth combined to make a wonderful little bottle.

1988 Robert Mondavi Pinot Noir – This pinot may have been just a touch past its prime but it was still singing!  The fruit was on the edge of dry and the tannins were nonexistent. Just a lovely mouthful of pleasant drinking wine.

1999 Quilceda Creek Cabernet – This wine was pretty big off the beginning but soon opened up and revealed a soft center with bright red fruits and a pleasant finish of cedar and clove. It was a great end to the night and sent us off with a pleasant glow.

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